Music is theraphy, music is love. Music can take you away from it all, it can inspire you, it can move you, it can be all the things you are searching for and looking is the way we is everything and can mean different things to different people. For me personally music is life. Concerts are therapy, for two hours you are taken to a different place, moved, inspired, or able to dance and let go! My favorite thing at a concert is when in crowd to shut my eyes, listen to the music, and truly feel the music. The crowd disappears and its just me and the music..its the perfect feeling. This picture reminds me of the music. This picture comes from Bradley Hathaway's performance at MSU, Mankato. This is the accodian, cello, guitar playing band member..I found him cute during the performance..oh and he played keyboard too! The photo being in black and white with a grainy texture makes the picture feel more personable and bringing you back to the moment it was taken.