March 5, 2012

.shoave recap.

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend!! What did you do this weekend? I would love to hear! Dave and I had our Shoave weekend which included the following:

Watching lots and lots of TV and a few movies.
We have never had On Demand before
 and used it to catch up on some tv shows we missed while we were gone. 

Took tons of photos of us doing silly, stupid, things!
p.s. I am NOT choking Dave.

Made two recipes that had only three ingredients each!
Picture aboved: Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies
We also made BBQ shredded chicken...SOO good!

All the awesomeness of the weekend took it's toll on us  (we are getting old)
so we added napping into our agenda. 

All in all we had a great weekend. I'm sadly  proud to say I didn't leave the apartment once, watched lots of Project Runway All Stars, a silly movie about Scrabble, tried new recipes, and even got one workout done. 

Now here is to having a great week!! 
Anything fun planned for this week?


  1. Sounds like yall had a blast! I spent my time in MD, visiting a friend at the College of St. Mary's and doing college-y things. lol How were the cookies??

  2. Victoria the cookies were delicious! They were so tempting that I packaged up a few to give a friend because we cannot handle having sweets in our place for to long. Just think you may be done with college-y things for while very soon!!
